Quick Details
The same incredible event at Black Ops Fayetteville that you love to play with a fresh new name and look! Bring the whole family! We have dodgeball, gellyball, bonfires, and ALL the fun! This is THE event to kick off your paintball season
Red- Johnny Bravo Christian
Blue-Marc Dreadnaut Bellomy
Bonus Paint + FREE Event Shirt Promo (available thru Sunday 12/1/24)
-> Get entry, air, 2+ cases AND a FREE event t-shirt!!
-> Bonus Paint Offer – Buy entry, air, and….
2 Cases, get 1 Bag FREE!
3 Cases, get 2 Bags FREE!
4 Cases, get 3 Bags FREE!
5 Cases, get 1 CASE FREE!Early-Bird Pricing (ends 1/5/25)
Entry – $44.95
Air – $7.49
Paint – $59.95Pre-Reg Pricing (ends 3/2/25)
Entry – $59.95
Air – $9.49
Paint – $69.95Day-Of Pricing:
Entry – $74.95
Air – $14.49
Paint – $79.95First Strike, bag of 150 – $59.95 (pre-reg sales only)
Group Discount Packages (open after early-bird closes since early-bird is a better deal)
💀 2-Pack: Entry, Air for Two + 5 Cases: $227/person w/ 2.5 cases each💀 4-Pack: Entry, Air for Four + 10 Cases: $221/person w/ 2.5 cases each, SAVE $200*+ ($884.95 total)
💀 6-Pack: Entry, Air for Six + 15 Cases: $219/person w/ 2.5 cases each, SAVE $350*+ ($1214.95 total)
💀 8-Pack: Entry, Air for Eight + 20 Cases: $214/person w/ 2.5 cases each, SAVE $500*+ ($1719.95 total)
y, Air for Ten + 25 Cases: $202/person w/ 2.5 cases each, SAVE $750*+ ($2,024.95 total)💀 12-Pack: Entry, Air for Twelve + 30 Cases: $199/person w/ 2.5 cases each, SAVE $950*+ ($2,399.95 total)
If you would like to get a shower pass you can click the link below or they will be $20 per person that can be paid at the Black Ops Pro Shop.
Undeveloped Camp sites are FREE
Camping is not sectioned off for specific teams unless they already have a labeled spot
If you wish to reserve an improved camp spot please see below:
Water Only: Click HERE
Power/Water: Click HERE
SAFETY & GENERAL RULESALCOHOL: Adults of legal drinking age are allowed to consume alcoholic beverages up to 2am Saturday. Any consumption of alcohol by minors, or providing alcohol to minors, will be grounds for immediate ejection from the property with no refund, and the local authorities will be alerted.
BARREL TAG RULE: Once a player touches you with a barrel and says “barrel tag,” you are eliminated and MUST take the walk. Do not HIT a player with your barrel! A gentle tap will do!
A barrel tag must be made on one player at a time, with the words “barrel tag” being said each time by the attacker. Once you have been barrel tagged you must leave the area immediately without talking or showing any indication that you have been barrel tagged to give away the players position. Failure to do so will result in a judge punch on your player card. Barrels must be attached to a marker or you may use a pistol as well.
COMMANDERS: Each side will have a Commander that will be in charge of building his/her own leadership group. They have complete control of their side. The Commander may go anywhere on the field that they choose to. They may be required to lead missions, to hold meetings, or to sacrifice their for the good of the cause. The only time Commanders are worth points will be when they are included in a mission.
COMMAND POST: If you are wearing your tape and are within 50 ft of your Command Post you are safe from elimination by any player wearing the same color as you are. You may only be eliminated by a player wearing the enemy tape. At no time are you allowed in the enemies Command Post. Do not point or bring any markers into the Command Base.
COMMUNICATION: Dead men do not talk!!!! If you have been eliminated you must wait until you are in the dead box to either talk or use your radio. If you are walking back to the camping area and see something you may still radio that in. You may NOT stand at the netting and call or radio in information if you are out of the game. Spectators are not to yell to players on field
Markers: Only 68 caliber markers are allowed.
Grenades: Tippman style paint grenades. No homemade grenades allowed. Accumulation of paint to make the size of a quarter and you’re eliminated.
Ghillie suits: Will be cleared through game producer. All hits count at all times when wearing a ghillie suit. Visible arm band tape must still be worn over ghillie suit. This rule also applies to headshots for those wearing any Predlock/Armagillo type headwear.
Smoke: At discretion of field owner and event producer only. Green smoke will be event prop only, personal green smoke is allowed.
Laser sights: Green lasers are forbidden. Check with field owner on red laser
Law Launchers: Must be cleared through field owner or game producer. Must be chrono’d at no more than 200 fps. 2” Nerf JCS rockets, or KNA rockets are pre-approved, any other kinds must be approved by event producer.Each person using a launcher will only be allowed to carry 3 rockets at a time onto the field. You are not allowed to carry rockets unless you have a card designating you as a law user. Any violations of this will result in a judge punch. If you see a rocket on the ground, notify the closest ref and they will collect them and we will have a designated bin for those found by the game producer tent. You may call yourself out to retrieve your own rockets. However, once you do so you are now a dead player and must go back to the insert and touch in to rejoin game play.
EVENT PAINT: Event paint only! Paint sales will remain open during the entire event. Having off-field paint on the field of play is grounds for immediate expulsion (total ejection) from the event with absolutely NO REFUND.
FINAL BATTLE: Final battle will be one-half hour long, with constant insert. There will be zero tolerance for players shooting at an unreasonable fps during the final battle. Refs will be spot checking during the final battle with handheld virtue chronos and have final say over what it deemed shooting at an unreasonable fps. If you are found shooting hot you will be done for the day.
If at any time during game play you hear referees yelling “stand down” put your markers on the ground and hands off the trigger, and take a knee. DO NOT MOVE DO NOT REMOVE MASKS, let event staff attend to any injured players and game play will resume once all emergency and injured player(s) are removed from the field of play
GAME MATERIALS: There is absolutely no copying of any game materials. This includes but is not limited to player event cards, cash, mission sheets, colored mask or arm tape of any color, and props brought by the game producer. You must have permission from the game producer to use any props other than what is being provided.
You will receive at registration:
1 player event card (ID card). You will have to have this to get your marker chono’d and punched by the referee. You will not be allowed on the field without having had a referee verify that your marker has been checked and cleared for play. This is required for each day of the game. This card signifies what side you are on and the marking tape (required) you have must match the card or you are in violation of the rules and subject to ejection. If you lose your ID badge you must see the game producer before you will be allowed back on the field
GAME PLAY: 11 am to 6 pm on Saturday and 10 am to 2 pm on Sunday, with the final battle starting 2:45.
GENERAL SCENARIO GAME RULES: Game rules made for a specific game will take precedent over the General Game Rules.
HPA FILLS: High Pressure fills (4500psi) will be available during the entire course of play
There will be no facilities to recharge constant air bottles on the field of play, nor in the parking lot. Due to insurance regulations, no outside fill stations (CO2 / Nitrogen) will be allowed on event property. A constant air bottles must meet hydrostatic requirements. No bottles will be filled that are out of date
PERIOD. It is the player’s responsibility to make sure their tanks are not out of date. All bottles MUST have all stickers (non-factory) removed from them to allow fill station operators to INSPECT the bottle for hidden damage. Bottles with stickers (non-factory) will not be filled. Bottles that event management deems damaged will not be filled, PERIOD… No exceptionsINSERTIONS: Insertions will be every 20 minutes, with each insert being open for 10 minutes. When inserting you must touch your insertion point before you are a live player and then you may remove your barrel sock. You may only insert from your insertion point. Inserting anywhere other than at your insertion point will be considered cheating and is grounds for immediate expulsion from the game with no refund. You MUST wait for insert to open before entering the field at any time except for the first minutes of the game. During that first 30 you may insert right away
A hot insert may be utilized at producer’s discretion. A referee will accompany the players being inserted and “release” them at once.
**Remember to switch bases at the start of Sunday**
MEDICS: There will be two medics on each side and they will be picked by the Commander or Command Staff. Medics must have a Medic card and be wearing the medic bag over their should provided by producer in order to heal anyone. To heal someone they must apply a bandaid (only ones provided by producer are acceptable) to the back of that player’s ID card while holding the bag. Medics cannot heal players who have been barrel-tagged, blown up or who have received a head shot. If you need a medic you must stop where you are and shout for one. The referee in the area will determine the appropriate amount of time for the medic to reach you. If a medic does not reach you in a reasonable amount of time you will be called dead and you must go the insertion point. Medics can be shot and when they are they must go to the insertion and insert at the appropriate time.
MISSIONS: There will be a designated base ref (separate from the chrono ref) who will hand out missions at the top of each hour to the commander.
Your side has one hour from the start time on the mission to finish said mission (unless stated otherwise) Failure to do so will result in mission failure. Timed missions do not start until the mission card is signed off by a referee that the mission has started. The timed mission is not completed unless signed off referee as well. You cannot lose a mission card if you are eliminated.MISSION TYPES:
Assault: Means you must either shoot the objective more than once with a marker or clear the objective. If there is a time period of the assault you must then continue to assault for that length of time.Clearing: You will have a specific mission where you need to clear a building. The mission card will indicate what method you must use. A referee MUST have a visual to confirm completion
Defend: You must keep the objective out of the enemy’s hands for a length of time.
Patrol: You must be actively patrolling from one objective or point to another objective or point to complete this mission. You may only have to do it once or it may be for a specified time
Recon and Report: You must physically view what is going on. You will need a referee to verify the information you will report back to your base.
Retrieve: You must go to the objective, find the object and bring it to where you are instructed to bring it
Sniper: This mission is for FSR users only! There will be silhouettes outside of each command base but on the field. This silhouette must be shot with FSR ONLY. Once you mark the silhouette you must repot to the referee near the base and “claim your kill”. That referee will take down your name and announce it over the referee channel. You are then considered out and must return to your insert. Before inserting again you must check in with the referee on your side of the field before another sniper round can counted. Sniper hits correctly documented will be worth points and there will be a Top Sniper award at the end of the event for each side.
Sweep and Clear: You must go to the objective and clear out the entire enemy in the area.
Take and Hold: You must go to the objective, clear out the enemy and hold the objective for a specific time.
PERSONAL PROPERTY: Personal property of others is to be respected at all times.
PETS: No pets are allowed period (other than possible field owner’s pets)
PLAYER REFS: There will be player refs on the field. These players will be chosen by the game producer. The player refs can answer questions about the game and rules; they will be watching for any unsportsmanlike behavior and will report any such behavior to the ultimate ref and/or game producer.
Player refs cannot sign off on any missionPROHIBITED BEHAVIOR: Physical contact with another player is strictly forbidden. Any such behavior may get you ejected from the game with no refund.
PROPS: Any props on the field are mission specific and must not be removed unless you are on mission. If any props are returned to the base that are not part of the mission they will be replaced and points will be deducted.
RADIOS: No one is allowed to monitor, jam or talk on the referee channel (Channel 1). Anyone caught monitoring; jamming or talking on the referee channel will be ejected from the game immediately with no refund.
REFEREES: Will have the final say about any disputes on the field. Do not argue with a referee. If problem cannot be settled on the field you should see the game producer. The game producer will have the final say about any problems that may aris
REGISTRATION: Pre-registration is very important for the event producers to know how much paint and supplies to order. Once you arrive at the field, proceed to the registration area to sign in and pick your player’s packet and any paint you may wish to purchase.
Goggles must be ASTM full face approved with ear protection. You must wear your goggles on your face at all times on the field unless you are in a designated dead box. Netted dead boxes will be set up behind your insertion where you may take your goggles off and clean them. This is the only place you may remove your goggles! No paintball markers are allowed in this area and must be left outside the netted area. You must wear your goggles while in the chronograph station. Barrel socks/condoms must be used for both markers and Laws while off field. Barrel plugs are not allowed. All repairs to markers should done in the chronograph station or your campsite with a BBD on. Firing of paintballs or other projectiles off field is strictly forbidden and grounds for expulsion from the eventSPECIAL ROLES:
Char – The Char are the small group of native people to this region who don’t like outsiders and will do anything to keep them out. They will be designated by wearing green mask tape or green armbands on both arms. They will have different inserts designated by a traffic cone and placed by a referee. The eliminated the same way as any other player and must go back to their insert and touch in.Geologist – Each side will have a “geologist.” This player is the only one who can touch the mineral deposits, which will be a bright green color. IF YOU ARE CAUGHT AS A NON-GEOLOGIST PICKING UP THESE DEPOSITS, YOU WILL GET JUDGE PUNCHED AND YOUR SIDE WILL LOSE POINTS. While retrieving the deposits the geologist must wear the gloves and the biohazard suit provided by game producer, or risk radiation poisoning and loss of points. The deposits must be placed in the provided receptacle before returning to the base. If a geologist is shot with a full receptacle before getting back to the base, you must empty the receptacle and return to your base to check back in, wait for the insert to open and then go back to retrieve. Commanders are able to switch who their geologist is but it must be done at the base, not mid-field. If you are caught doing this at any other time, you lose the geologist for the rest of the hour. The geologist must wear the armbands provided at all times during game play. You must then deposit your ore into the container near your base, not removing them from the ore container before a referee is present.
Chemist – Each side will have a “chemist.” IF YOU ARE CAUGHT AS A NON-CHEMIST RETRIEVING WATER, YOU WILL GET JUDGE PUNCHED AND YOUR SIDE WILL LOSE POINTS. The chemist will be retrieving water at certain points of the game and must wear the gloves and the biohazard suit provided by game producer. If you get shot at any point you must drop the water on the spot and return to your base to check back in, wait for the insert to open and then go back to retrieve. Commanders are able to switch who their chemist is but it must be done at the base, not mid-field. If you are caught doing this at any other time, you lose that chemist for the rest of the hour.
The Tower – There is no fighting in the Tower. To clear the tower you must ring the bell by the first of stairs. The referee will then clear anyone out of the inside of the tower. This is for everyone’s safety so please adhere to these rules. Anyone caught not adhering to these rules will be judge punched
immediately.SHOOTING LAW ROCKETS: Before shooting a law rocket at structures you must notify a referee. The law rocket must hit or land inside of the object you are shooting at. For smaller structures if it does it will eliminate the entire structure. On larger structures, law rockets will eliminate walls of the structure only and any player within a reasonable distance from the wall as determined by the referee’s discretion. Natural elements (trees, dirt piles, brush, etc.) cannot be taken out by laws. Any two story structures are considered “Hardened” and rockets do not work on them at all.
SPEEDS: All Markers: All firing modes are allowed. Must be chrono’d at not more than 280 fps (200 fps for Law Launchers). BPS will be capped at 15.
SURRENDER RULE: Less than 20 feet in distance, it is highly encouraged that all players should off the surrender call. It is encouraged the receiving player accepts the surrender but also has the option to surrender or turn and attempt to shoot.
SWITCHING SIDES: Under no circumstances will a player or team switch sides without the approval of the game producer. If approved they must give up their player card and marking tape. Giving your marking tape or player card to other players is strictly forbidden.
TAPE: Different colored marking tape will be provided for each side. You must wear only your side tape or you will get judge punched. Tape should be worn on the front and back of mask with at least 6 inches visible. You may also wear armband tape, however, tape must be worn on both arms.
TANKS: Non-motorized and motorized joint rules (Must be pre-approved by the event producer) Each tank must have at least 4 working, rolling wheels of some kind that touch the ground while it moves. The wheels need to be weight-bearing. All tanks must fit at least one driver and one gunner inside it to
legal. A clear attempt must be made to make the tank look like some kind of vehicle/tank.Each tank should have at least a driver and tank walker who is neutral, Tank walker must have an orange vest on for safety. Tanks may carry A/T cards/players if they want to be able to shoot rockets. The number of rocket shots matches the amount of A/T cards/ players in the tank. One A/T card in the tank equals 3 shots per insert. Two A/T cards equal 6 shots and so on. Each side has a limited number of total A/T cards per side so use them wisely.
Two hits with a rocket in 5 minutes will eliminate the tank. 1st hit immobilizes the tank but it still can shoot, 2nd hit will eliminate the tank. If the tank is not hit a 2nd time within 5 minutes after being hit the first time it can continue on. The tank must fly a colored flag on the side it is on when in play. When
eliminated it must fly a white flag or remove their colored flag and return toWalking tank-specific rules
Walking tanks (non-motorized) MAY be used as a bunker by players even if it is moving. If the tank is hit by a rocket while players are using the tank as a bunker, those players are eliminated and the tank is either disabled or eliminated based on the information above. If the tank is stopped players may enter or leave the tank. If the tank has been hit and is disabled, players cannot enter or leave the tank until it is repaired (not hit again in the 5 min. window)
Walking tanks can go anywhere they fit except into any structureMotorized Tank-Specific Rules
Motorized tanks must have liability insurance coverage and add both the field and the producer to the coverage and provide those documents before they will be allowed on the field Everyone must stay 10’ away from the tank while it is running. The tank can be used as a bunker only if the engine is shut off. At that time people may leave or enter the tank except the driver and co-pilotWhen the Tank wants to move, it must blow its horn and everyone must be 10’ away before the tank can move. Tanks must stay under 5 MPH and must have a working horn and working brakes. Tanks must enter from your own side and can go any direction but must stay on the tank path. If you are not 100% sure it is a tank legal path DO NOT GO!!
All tanks have 30 mins of fuel. Inserts for tanks are at the top or bottom of the hour. If a tank that is on the field returns to insert before the next insert window opens it may insert more than once per hour. Any tank crew who do not follow the rules may be given a time-out penalty, removed for the day and/or the event based on the infraction.
WILDLIFE: Shooting at wildlife is strictly forbidden. If you are unclear on any of the rules, please ask a referee or event staff and they will answer a questions you may have. Event staff reserves the right to change, omit, or add to these rules at any time with or without prior notice.